Three Harrow students working together

Connect with our Business Development Experts to talk about your specific business needs

We provide a wide range of apprenticeships, chosen specifically to suit different industries and professions. This range is split across:

  • Professional Services
  • Engineering
  • Hospitality
  • Healthcare and many more sectors.

Each of the above areas are managed and delivered by a dedicated team containing vast knowledge and experience in both education and professions that are aligned with the apprenticeships they deliver.

Each of our apprenticeships are tailored to fit the requirements of both learners and their employers and HRUC supports you from enrolment through to the end point assessment.

How can we help you

Find, attract, and hire the best talent!

We connect you with diverse entry level talent - recruiting apprentices or trainees on your behalf and working with you to build talent pipelines of suitably qualified and skilled employees to drive your performance agenda.

We can help you with:

  • Accessing new talent pools
  • Social mobility, diversity and inclusion
  • Responding to skill requirements
  • Hiring for emerging roles
  • Recruiting local and national talent.

Develop and upskill your workforce

Upskill your existing colleagues with market-leading learning programmes backed by industry experts.

Develop the right capability and competence across key business functions to drive the outcomes that matter most.

We can help you:

  • Reskill and upskill your workforce
  • Develop rounded and resilient individuals
  • Create a lifelong learning culture
  • Understand and utilise levy funding
  • Make your L&D budgets work harder.

Maximise your learning and skills initiatives

Let’s ensure your learning and development is really working for you. We can help you understand the levy and funding routes, or even outsource funded learning altogether, as well as supporting across a number of other areas.

We can help you with:

  • Straight-talking strategy and advisory
  • Outsourced learning administration
  • Specific project support.

Meet some of the team and get in contact to start building your business future: or 01895 853622 


These are some of the many employers we work with

Thames Water logo Corbin and King logos