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We believe that every parent and child should have access to all the information they need to help them make informed decisions about their futures. 

school; students taking part in a sport subject taster in the sports hall at RuTCThere are so many opportunities for young people, post-16, and it is our job to work with schools to help young people and their parents understand their options and make the best choices.

The Government’s expectation is that schools and colleges will work towards the Gatsby benchmarks. There are 8 benchmarks which constitute ‘good practice’ in career guidance for schools and colleges, they are:

  • A stable careers programme
  • Learning from career and labour market information
  • Addressing the needs of each student
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Experiences of workplaces
  • Encounters with further and higher education
  • Personal guidance.

RuTC offers a range of services to schools for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. This can be linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks and we will support schools to meet their commitment to the Technical and Further Education Bill.

Assembly Presentations

member if staff speaking to a group of students from a school in the the auditoriumOur team can deliver assembly presentations outlining the opportunities available to students. The presentation can be developed into a class-based workshop providing pupils with detailed information about courses, entry requirements, the application process and student life, as well as outlining the support services available at the college.

Careers Fairs, Options Events and Parents Evenings

Our Schools Liaison team are happy to attend parents' evenings and careers fairs to offer information, advice and guidance (IAG) to parents and pupils about the options available at RuTC after pupils leave school.

Subject Presentations

female students from Teddington School try carpentry with the help from RuTC teachersIf your students are particularly interested in a specific subject area, we can tailor information and guidance on course content, career opportunities and progression routes. This can also include taster sessions for vocational subjects.

Impartial IAG

Staff who attend your school events have a wealth of knowledge and have IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance) training, which means that, although they work for RuTC, they will offer impartial advice when dealing with young people and their parents. 


For further information or to book any of the above progression activities, please call Tom Butler on 0208 607 8047 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.