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photo of helen buckley with published bookHelen Buckley studied A-Levels English Language and Literature, History and Sociology and as well as Journalism at RuTC from 2001 to 2003 and now is a published author.

After finishing her courses at RuTC, Helen gained a first-class degree in Journalism and Contemporary History from City University and Queen Mary University as well as a Master of Science in Gender, Sexuality, Politics and Culture from Birkbeck University of London. Helen has spent many years working for charities, including four years in Honduras. When she returned, she met her husband, who also went to RuTC. Helen is now a charity communications manager. In 2019, Helen published her first contemporary fiction novel 'Star in the Shadows'. Her novel follows a teen runaway who becomes a pop star but is still haunted by the shadows of her past. In 2020, she signed a three-book contract with Choc Lit publishers, and in March 2021 her book 'Strictly on Ice' was published.

About her time at RuTC, Helen has fond memories of the café, studying with friends in the library and enjoying Twickenham riverside after classes. She says, “I learnt so much from my Journalism course and those skills not only got me onto my degree course, but also gave me a massive advantage. I also felt that the research and questioning skills I learnt in History and Sociology really prepared me for university study.” Helen also remembers a specific class in which she created a radio feature package in the college’s radio studio, analysing ‘EastEnders’, and studying ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ in English classes, which is still her favourite Shakespeare play today.

Helen highlights how her time at RuTC made her become more independent, which was an important bridge between secondary school and university. She comments, “Richmond upon Thames College gave me much more confidence as a person and helped me to grow as an individual.”