Applied Business, Applied Criminology, Applied Law, Applied Psychology, Architecture, Biology, Business studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, English Language and Literature, English Literature, Fine Art, Graphics and Illustration, Geography, History, Law, Mathematics, Media studies, Philosophy, Ethics and Religion; Physics, Politics, Psychology, Sociology.
Entry requirements
A minimum of grade 4 in academic subjects at AS Level and a satisfactory reference will be required if you have not studied your AS Levels at Richmond College.
In addition to the standard entry requirements above, for candidates who are NOT progressing directly from GCSEs at a UK school then we may require an additional interview, entry test and references. This would apply to those have enrolled on A levels before and those with overseas qualifications, including iGCSEs. -
Who is the course for?
This programme is suitable for students who wish to study a range of different subjects and intend to progress into higher education.
Study methods
All courses are on-site and each subject is 5 hours per week. Students will normally study three A2 subjects in their second year leading to three A Levels. A2 students will usually have been expected to achieve a grade D or above at AS Level.
How is the course assessed?
The A2 Levels are composed of two external exams which are taken in June. In some subjects there is also a coursework component. All courses are on-site and each subject is 5 hours per week.
More information
For further information, please contact our Information, Advice and Guidance team on 020 8607 8000 or email
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Where Next – Job Opportunities
Achieving good grades at A Level improves chances of obtaining better training, apprenticeships and job prospects.
Where Next – Further Studies
Depending on the grades achieved, students can progress onto a degree or a Level 5 HND Diploma course at a higher education institute.
How to apply
To apply for a course either click the APPLY NOW button - fill out the form online and submit
OR download an application form here and post it to the address on the form.
When we have received your application we will contact you to arrange an interview time.