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Art Mural Dog WalkerLevel 2 Art and Design students at Richmond upon Thames College (RuTC) were recently commissioned to design and paint a public mural in the A316 underpass near the college campus.

The Richmond in Europe Association asked students to paint a series of murals celebrating Richmond's links with its twinned towns in Europe, Fontainebleau in France and Konstanz in Germany.

Art Mural Level 2 StudentsStudents developed motifs based on their research, then painted these onto the walls of the underpass. Each image is connected to the rest by 'ribbons' of paint which represent traditional English maypole ribbons. The painting was completed in weeks 3 and 4 of the first term of the academic year and the mural was officially opened by the Deputy Mayor of Richmond, Kuldev Sehra on the 2nd of October.

Art Mural SpeakersSpeeches congratulating the students on their work were made by Alan Mockford, Chairman of the Richmond in Europe Association and RuTC Art & Design teacher, Toby Rye. Principal of RuTC, Gavin Hughes, and the Head of Creative School, Jo Terrell, also joined the celebrations. Music teacher, Peter Garvey and members of his local choir provided musical entertainment at the event, including singing the European anthem, Ode to Joy.

Art Mural Student and Deputy MayorToby Rye commented,

“I am particularly proud of all the students' work, dedication and skill in completing the mural, as it was their first project for their Level 2 course. Working quickly to a deadline, all students contributed to this excellent venture.”

Learn more about Richmond’s twinned towns here.

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