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Stem Talks SpeakersDuring Careers Week in March, our Science, Engineering, Maths and Technology (STEM) department organised talks from doctors, medical students and NHS staff, for students interested in pursuing medical pathways.

Guest speakers included, Dr Nikita Soni, currently working at St George’s University Hospital in south London, Divyaa Puri, a second year Biomedical Science student also at St George’s and Honey Tandon, a Practice Manager at a GP surgery in Hounslow, who has also recently released a podcast with Primary Care UK. All speakers presented their chosen study paths and career journeys and were able to offer our students advice as well as answering any questions.

Stem Talks GuestsBefore the Easter break, we also ran an online webinar with Diva Jain, from Cancer Research UK, who works in research engagement for the established charity. Diva has a research background in Medical Genetics and Biochemistry and has also worked on international cancer clinical trials. With her varied background within the industry, she was able to discuss many career opportunities with our students.

These talks were very well received by attendees and gave our STEM learners a real insight into the possible study routes and future job prospects available.


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