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In July 2022, Richmond upon Thames College received an award for 'Best Digital Marketing' at the Richmond Business Excellence Awards.

As well as receiving an award for Digital Marketing, the College was also highly commended for a Best Environmental and Sustainability award.

The College was nominated alongside Super Structures Associates, PageTiger and Studio K, but won the award for its well-executed and eye catching 2021 digital marketing campaigns.

Deputy chair of the London Chambers of Commerce, Anne Newton explained why Richmond upon Thames College won the reputable award explaining, “The winner delivered excellent and engaging digital media, aimed perfectly at their target audience of students, parent, stakeholders, including sector colleagues and the wider community.

“This digital communication medium proved even more critical during the pandemic, as many students were still distance learning. Congratulations to Richmond upon Thames College directors, staff and the marketing team for a well-deserved win.”

Learn about studying at RuTC, here