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A packed Spirit of Rugby at Twickenham Stadium Friday raised the roof for the 'best of the best' businesses and charities in the Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Directors and their teams gathered for the Richmond Spring Ball and presentation of 2022 Awards by BAFTA's Anne Morrison and what a memorable evening it was!

Richmond Chamber of Commerce's Chief Executive Anne Newton who organised and hosted the event, thanked the independent judging panel for their professional and thoughtful deliberations, the sponsors for their incredible support and the many directors and their teams who had participated in this iconic event and celebrated with such gusto.

Twickenham MP Munira Wilson and Richmond Park MP Sarah Olney assisted on-stage with trophy presentations, Richmond Council's Leader Gareth Roberts and his Cllr colleagues stood 'shoulder-to-shoulder' in their praise of the winners' achievements and The Worshipful Mayor of Richmond upon Thames Cllr Cambridge kindly assisted winners in Oscar-worthy photo shoots on-stage.

Anne Newton Chief Executive of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, "We congratulate Richmond Upon Thames College on being awarded Highly Commended for Best Training and Development and Best Achievement in Corporate Social Responsibility.

"There was such stiff competition and Richmond upon Thames College proved themselves worthy of these fantastic awards.

"Thank you to Richmond upon Thames College for sponsoring the 'Best Start up' Category and to Gavin Hughes for presenting the award to The Fat Badger Restaurant and Farm Shop.

"We all had such a good evening of celebrations and are very much looking forward to the next 2023 Awards Richmond Christmas Ball on 24 November at Twickenham Stadium." Tickets are bookable here.

Richmond upon Thames College has recently merged to become London's newest college group HRUC, Harrow Richmond and Uxbridge Colleges. To find out more about studying at RuTC, click here